EPC submission to the 2023-2024 Grand Finale Competition
Welcome! We are located in Erie, Pa. We meet the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month, September through April. In May, we have a Grand Finale Competition and an Awards Picnic. YOU MUST PAY DUES TO BE A MEMBER OF THE ERIE PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB. You must be a member of the club to enter into our monthly competition.
Our meeting space is in the JPT Event Center in the Lake Erie Plaza, 2319 West 38th St. Erie Pa 16506 The Plaza is on south side of the street between Pittsburgh Ave and Zuck Rd. The large parking lot is well lit. The building is easily accessible to those with disabilities. The Lake Erie Plaza is easily reached from the south, via I-79 using the Kearsarge exit or accessible from the east or north side of Erie, using the W 26th St exit and then turning south on Zuck Rd. All meetings start at 6:30 PM unless otherwise specified.
For membership contact the Club Communication Director, Mary Kay Talarico, MaryKayeee@aol.com or 814-449-5936 (leave message) or the Presidential Director, Scott Thompson scott.thompson@gmx.com 814-572-4523
TO JOIN THE CLUB, 3 WAYS TO PAY. (1) Mail check (Payable to Erie Photography Club) to Membership - Adam Bennett, 4422 Cherry Street, Erie PA 16509. Include name, address, phone number and email address (email required). (2) Pay by PAYPAL or CREDIT CARD. Under ORGANIZATION > PAYPAL BUTTON and follow the instructions. (3) Attend a meeting and pay by cash or check. For new members, we must have an email address and a phone number. If mailing your dues, please send an email to Geri Olszewski at geriols914@gmail.com to let her know you have renewed so she may update the membership list.
Cost-- $30 - first time members, $40 - returning members, $70 for household, $60 for first time households.
Competitions include a General and an Assigned Subject competition. Only paid members may enter a competition.
Rules for competition are under Competition Information, please review.
2024/2025 MEETING SCHEDULE Most meetings on Tuesday but not all of them.
Sunday Sept 8, 10:30 am Special outing and program. How to photograph mushrooms by Bob Grubbs and Rodney Spencer.
Asbury Woods Nature Center, 4105 Asbury Rd, Millcreek
Sept.10 6:30 Program - Introduction to Post Processing using free or inexpensive post processing programs by Scott Thompson
Sept.24 6:30 Competition meeting: Assigned subject - 3 of a Kind (images must be submitted by Tuesday, Sept. 17th 11:59 pm)
Oct. 8 6:00 Program meeting: Photographic Outing at St Pat's Church, 130 East 4th St Erie PA 16507
Tuesday Oct 15 4:00 Fall Photographic Outing at Debbie Wnukoski house. Weather dependent. NOTE: CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER. Hope to reschedule in the spring!
Oct 22 6:00 Mini Program The meaning of Minimalist by Geri Olszewski
Oct.22 6:30 Competition meeting: Assigned subject - Pile of Things (images must be submitted by Tuesday, October 15th 11:59 pm)
Nov.12 6:30 Program meeting: Night Sky Photography by Dan Wolfe and Brenda Traffis
Nov 26 6:00 Mini Program Creating Camera Motion by Tom Madura
Nov.26 6:30 Competition meeting: Assigned subject - Mushrooms/Fungi (images must be submitted by Tuesday, November 19th 11:59 pm)
Saturday Dec. 14 - 5 to 9 PM Holiday Party
Jan 14 6:30 Program meeting: Greg Wohlford 35 years of photographing for the Times News
Jan.28 6:30 Competition meeting: Assigned subject - Minimalist (images must be submitted by Tuesday, January 21st 11:59 pm)
Feb.11 6:30 Program meeting: Introduction to Layers, Masks and Textures by Patti Larson
Feb.25 6:30 Competition meeting: Assigned subject - Intentional Camera Motion (images must be submitted by Tuesday, February 18th 11:59 pm)
Mar 11 6:30 Program meeting: Understanding Lensbaby Creative Effects Lenses by Gerri Jones
Mar 25 6:30 Competition meeting: Assigned subject - Neon (images must be submitted by Tuesday, March 18th 11:59 pm)
April 8 6:30 Program meeting Photographing animals from Tamarack. This program is limited to dues paying members only.
April 22 6:30 Competition meeting: Assigned subject - A Rainy Day (images must be submitted by Tuesday, April 15th 11:59 pm)
May 13 6:30 Grand Finale Competition - images must be submitted by Tuesday May 6th 11:59 pm
May 20, 4:00 to 8:00 ANNUAL AWARDS PICNIC Rotary Club Pavillion, Presque Isle. More info will be in the newsletter. Eat at 6:30
To order CLOTHING WITH THE EPC LOGO, go to ORGANIZATION at top of this HOME PAGE, then to CLOTHING INFORMATION/LOGO. Details on ordering are there.